hee hee. Thanks for the link and thanks for the comment on my blog!
I came over here to see what you were up to and I saw that you are working on "a dissertation on musical theater and middlebrow audiences." What are you learning? I love musical theater and would love to hear what you have to say.
No prob. I am seriously considering making one for my cat; she loves knitted objects and might actually tolerate a sweater...
I noticed that one of your favorite movies listed was Singin' in the Rain. That's one of my most favorite movies to teach because not only is there a LOT to say about it, but it holds up so well - undergrads still find it really funny and can connect with the theme of celebrities and inauthentic voices/personas.
Anyway, my overall project is looking at operettas from the 1930s alongside modern megamusicals and thinking about the features of these shows, their music, their performers, etc and the kinds of people who enjoy them.
Thanks for surfing over...I look forward to reading more about your knitting exploits!
hee hee. Thanks for the link and thanks for the comment on my blog!
I came over here to see what you were up to and I saw that you are working on "a dissertation on musical theater and middlebrow audiences." What are you learning? I love musical theater and would love to hear what you have to say.
No prob. I am seriously considering making one for my cat; she loves knitted objects and might actually tolerate a sweater...
I noticed that one of your favorite movies listed was Singin' in the Rain. That's one of my most favorite movies to teach because not only is there a LOT to say about it, but it holds up so well - undergrads still find it really funny and can connect with the theme of celebrities and inauthentic voices/personas.
Anyway, my overall project is looking at operettas from the 1930s alongside modern megamusicals and thinking about the features of these shows, their music, their performers, etc and the kinds of people who enjoy them.
Thanks for surfing over...I look forward to reading more about your knitting exploits!
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